
Lifetime Membership Tokens

Where the value is in the growth,

equitable access is foundational,

and your voice is part of the movement!

Invest in our Membership Tokens:

A Visionary Approach to Sustainable Fundraising

At Actualize Earth, we're not just revolutionizing the app industry; we're redefining how growth and sustainability intersect. Our groundbreaking approach of using the golden ratio to help us scale and value our growth. This aligns with the principles observed in nature, and it's poised to reshape the way we invest in our future.

How Do Our Tokens Work?

Lifetime Memberships (Tokens): Each token represents a lifetime membership. These tokens are generated based on the Phi growth pattern (golden ratio), ensuring a sustainable and balanced growth.

Token Distribution: Tokens are distributed following the Fibonacci sequence, where each round generates an increasing number of tokens. For example, round 1 generates 1 token, round 2 generates 1 token, round 3 generates 2 tokens, round 4 generates 3, round 5 generates 5 tokens, round 6 generates 8 tokens, (1, 1, 2, 3, 5....) and so on.

Dynamic Pricing: In each round, the price of tokens sold by the platform increases. This dynamic pricing ensures that early investors benefit from lower costs, fostering a sense of community engagement and reward.

Investor Opportunities: Investors can purchase tokens at lower prices in earlier rounds and sell them as their value increases in later rounds. Early investors, especially those who participate before round 30, have the potential to realize substantial gains of 50-100% over a few years.  That is of course if the network continues to grow.

Realistic Scaling: We see this as a platform for the whole world and we believe the whole world should have equitable access.  This is why we have 3 different types of rounds. 

  • The Founders Distribution: Those who have contributed from 2014-2024 or those who are putting in sweat equity now.  Founders tokens cannot be sold until round 30.
  • General Sale Rounds: Anyone can buy as many memberships as they want and sell them whenever they want.
  • Sharing Rounds:  The General Rounds will end at approximately 10% of the Earth's Population.  This is to ensure that those who dont have much money are not limited in access.  This will account for approximately 90% of the worlds population

View the Distribution Table

Why Invest in our Tokens?

Community Funded: Instead of offering a product for free and making the users the product, we believe that our community is who we are serving.  By creating a community funded model, we ensure that we serve who we are here to serve, the community. 

Directly Tied to Growth: The value of our tokens are directly correlated with the growth of the Actualize Earth network. As the platform thrives, so does the value of your investment.

Equitable and Affordable Access: We're committed to ensuring that everyone can access our platform for a reasonable one-time fee. Even with the most conservative distribution assumptions, the maximum lifetime access cost is just $83.  And free for 90% of the world (after 800M tokens have sold)

Long-Term Sustainability: While the initial token distribution funds the long term platform setup and development, short term operations will be supported by subscriptions and other service offerings.  This shared model vectors towards operations like a public utility, ensuring ongoing service provision and maintenance.

Benefits for you: Aside from financial benefits, there are a few more benefits to be noted.

  • When we form our co-op, being a token holder will grant you a vote in our cooperative governance structure
  • Access to version 2 of the app.  Version 2 is way more than just an events and communications platform.  Its an app ecosystem for tools that will support you even more in living a joyful connected life.  This means that other developers will be able to submit and add micro-apps that you can then install, customize, and make your own.

Is this an NFT or Token? Is this built on Etherium or some other blockchain system?

While this can be compared to an NFT, it is not one in the traditional sense.  We believe in technology in right relationship and do not believe that the "trustless" system generally touted by the blockchain community is the direction we need to go with humanity.  We need to develop and foster trust on the human level as well as use these blockchain based systems for what they are good at, data integrity.  The tokens will be sold through the Actualize platform an will be available for purchase using either USD (and eventually Bitcoin, via Coinbase).  You will have an internal wallet in the Actualize system to hold these tokens, along with others that may be generated within the platform.  The membership tokens or any other tokens generated within Actualize will not be sellable outside the platform, however can be traded within the platform.  All transactions will be logged on an internal ledger that will have a hash generated in a blockchain fashion that will be published to the Bitcoin network regularly.  All wallet information should be considered to be public information.

We believe that transparency along with using blockchain systems for what they are good for, data integrity, will be a recipe for creating highly scalable systems that we can trust.

Do I need to be an accredited investor?

No.  We are not selling equity, we are (pre)selling memberships and raising money for Actualize's operations.

What does Actualize Earth Do?

Check out our pitch deck here and learn more about what we are up to. 

You can also check out our Earth Day Gala video beneath that, highlighting a number of leaders in the Local Community showing up for Actualization in a myriad of ways.  Also included is a talk by Juicy on Evolution, Technology, Community, and the Importance of Story, as well a walkthrough Beta demo of Version 2 of the Actualize App.

As of right now, our app has ~5K signups, and our most active city (Boulder, Colorado), has anywhere between 3-7 events happening every single day.

Checkout out this trailer for the Actualize Earth - Earth Day Gala + Token Launch

View the Entire Actualize Earth - Earth Day Gala + Token Launch

Join the Revolution:

Invest in the our tokens today and be part of a groundbreaking movement that merges conscious growth with the wisdom of nature. By supporting this innovative approach, you're not only investing in your future but also in a sustainable, harmonious, and beautiful world.

Your investment is an investment in conscious growth, community, and a brighter future for all. Don't miss out on this opportunity to reshape the way we invest and grow together!

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