Actualize Earth

Technology in right relationship to support a joyful, connected life

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Dive into a world where technology enhances real-world connections rather than replacing them. Actualize Earth is not just an app; it's a movement towards more meaningful, joyful, and connected living. Our platform is designed to bring people together, fostering genuine interactions and community spirit through a rich tapestry of events and gatherings.

Explore, Connect, Thrive.

With Actualize Earth, discover events that resonate with your interests, connect with like-minded individuals, and contribute to a global community dedicated to positive change. Our innovative features are crafted to make finding and creating events effortless, ensuring you spend less time on your phone and more time engaging in experiences that matter.

Join us on this journey. Experience the joy of connection.

Our Why

Technology in Right Relationship

The internet is like the central nervous system of the planet and deserves that level of reverence

Empowering people with purpose

We believe in empowering people in their unique genius and purpose in the world

Living a more joyful, connected life

Supporting individual growth through bringing communities of practice together supports a deeper sense of belonging

What is Actualization!?

Self-actualization is a term that was popularized by the psychologist Abraham Maslow in his hierarchy of needs theory. It represents the highest level of psychological development and fulfillment that a person can achieve. Self-actualization is the realization or fulfillment of one's talents, potential, and capabilities. It involves becoming the best version of oneself and achieving personal growth, creativity, and a sense of purpose.

Self-actualization is achieved when all of the more basic needs in his hierarchy of needs have been met. These needs include physiological needs (such as food and shelter), safety needs, love and belongingness needs, and esteem needs. Once these foundational needs are satisfied, individuals can focus on personal growth and self-discovery.

Self-actualization is not a destination but rather a lifelong journey, and the specific characteristics of self-actualization can vary from person to person. It represents the realization of one's unique potential and the pursuit of personal growth, authenticity, and a meaningful life.


Juicy Life (Tom Bassett) - CEO

Juicy is an Artist, recognizing that in every moment, in every breath, he is both creating and destroying. He works to inspire others of their inner artist, to be conscious creators in the world. 

He is both a large-scale app developer and a leader in developing local social networks to support the evolution of consciousness. Utilizing his background in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Evolutionary Biology, and Programming along with his experiences with authentic relating practices, psychedelics, and intentional community practices, he synthesizes wisdom across multiple fields to crystalize technology that is in right relationship to Life

.His programming work has been used in events like the New York Marathon and the Iron Man running series, and has been localized to 8 different languages and used in every country around the world by over 10M people.

His most recent local social operating system app focused in Boulder, Colorado has at its peak 3-5 events happening per day with over 3000 people signed up


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Padme Om (Blake Cahill) - COO

Padme envisions a world where conscious communities thrive, where conflict becomes an opportunity for deeper intimacy, and where individuals and groups support one another on the path to self-actualization. His mission is to create spaces that foster connection, growth, and positive impact.

Padme OM is more than a leader; he's a conscious catalyst for positive change, empowering individuals and communities to shine their light and make a meaningful impact in the world. Join him on this transformative journey with Actualize Earth.


Etymology of Influencer:

Streaming ethereal power from the stars when in certain positions, acting upon character or destiny of people

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